Article 1. Applicability
1.1 These General Terms & Conditions (hereby: terms) are applicable on all offers, deliveries and agreements of Stichting The Silent Force (hereby: TSF), with exclusion of possible other general terms.
1.2 The acceptance of an offer or placing an order means you agree with the applicability of these terms.
Article 2. Offers / agreements
2.1 TSF hereby specifically states that they have the right to change prices, especially when Dutch laws say so.
2.2 An agreement is an agreement when accepted by TSF. TSF is justified to decline orders or to set other terms to an order, unless specifically stated otherwise. If an order is declined, TSF will notify within ten (10) days after receiving of the order.
2.3 The membership pass will be enclosed with the first magazine of a certain membership year. This pass is renewed every membership year. In case of loss or theft, ten Euros (€10) will be charged if one requests a new pass. The membership pass is strictly personal. We have the right to undo your membership if you do not use the pass properly (for example: lending your pass to someone else). TSF has the right to terminate a membership in case of abuse.
Article 3. Prices / payments
3.1 Mentioned prices on offered products and agreements are in Euros, including VAT, and excluding handling- and shipping fees, possible taxes of other collections, unless otherwise agreed.
3.2 The online shop is being taken care off by The Silent Force. On all deliveries from the shop, with exclusion of the TSF membership and TSF merchandise, the The Silent Force terms & conditions are applicable.
Article 4. Delivery
4.1 Stated times of delivery are only indicative. An item not delivered within the indicated delivery time, does not give you the right to demand restitution, nor the possibility to cancel an order / agreement, unless the time of delivery is thus long, that it cannot be desired of you to maintain the agreement. Only then you are entitled to cancel an order / agreement if necessary.
4.2 Foundation The Silent Force only ships items once per member. For example: 1 fanclub magazine per 4 months, and 1 membership pass, per membership year. We cannot be held responsible for items that were lost in the mail, nor when an item does not arrive due to the fact that the recipient’s address is different from the one that was given to TSF.
4.3 If you wish to pay for your membership in cash, by mailing it to us, you may do so, but entirely at your own risk.
Article 5. Intellectual / industrial ownerships
5.1 You are to respect all of the intellectual and industrial ownerships on TSF products unconditionally, if applicable.
5.2 TSF does not guarantee that their products violate intellectual / industrial ownerships of third parties.
Article 6. Returns and accountability
6.1 You are required to check items for faults or damages on arrivel. In case the items are not according to the agreement, you are obliged to notify TSF (by e-mail or regular mail) within seven (7) days of arrival, or when you have had the chance to check the items, within reasonable length of time from the arrival.
6.2 When faults and/or damages are proven, TSF has the choice to replace the items for new items or to refund the item’s value, as soon as the faulted/damaged item is returned to TSF.
Article 7. Events beyond our reasonable control
7.1 In case of events beyond our reasonable control, TSF has the right to delay a delivery, or to cancel a delivery, except when this is truly impossible.
7.2 With events beyond our reasonable control every shortcoming which cannot be held against TSF is meant. This is also the case when third parties do not fullfill their agreement(s).
Article 8. Miscellaneous
8.1 When you provide an address to TSF, TSF is entitled to send all items to that address, unless you provide a different shipping address.
8.2 TSF is entitled to use third parties for sending items.
8.3 All member information is strictly confidential, and will not be shared with other parties. Only the name, place of residence, and the country in which a member resides, are visible to other members. In case of orders from the online shop, the data are forwarded to Free Record Shop BV. These data are used to send items only, and will not be stored.
8.4 Whenever TSF allows exceptions to this terms and conditions, whether for a short or a longer period, this does not affect her right to demand immediate and strict use of this terms & conditions. You can never make any claims based on the fact that TSF decides not to require strict use of this terms & conditions.
8.5 TSF has the right to change the contents of these terms, remove abusive language, possibly deny someone the membership and to terminate an account during the membership’s duration.
Article 9. Applicable law and authorized judge
9.1 On all rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements concerning these terms, and these terms as well, only Dutch laws are applicable.
9.2 All disputes between parties will be laid before an authorized judge in The Netherlands.
9.3 The Dutch version of these general terms & conditions prevails above all translations of it.